Wednesday, October 7, 2009


it rained. i got wet.
it made me think of dancing in the rain with you.

(we're always dancing in the rain together.)

feet wet, splash. splash. splash. drops on our tongues,
falling from the sky, landing on leaves,
on grass, on bodies and roads.
drops making rivers, drops growing plants
growing us. growing our feetonthesoil
onthepavement tap taptap taptap.

rain in my hair. on the palms of my hands.

rain between my toes. under my fingernails.

rain down my neck. alldownmyback.
rain in my mouth and through my heart.
rain in my eyes, seeping into my skin.

there is something to feeling the rain.
we forget our skin is breathing. our skin is thin.
there is so little between us and the sky, the night air.

And then I think you laugh at me. I ought to grow up, forget my thin skin. No dignified adult dances in the rain. Perhaps I ought to roll up my pants, wait for a lull, and hurry home. Perhaps I ought not to laugh. Perhaps I ought to be quiet. Perhaps I ought to buy an umbrella. Perhaps I ought to forget the rain.
I remember a voice, when did we stop singing? when did we stop dancing?


  1. So is being an adult defined by growing up or growing the same?
