Saturday, November 28, 2009

oh yeah.

Oh yeah. blogging.

This is what I've been up to:

And this:

follow // fallow from Bonnie Veblen on Vimeo.

And this:

await another voice from Bonnie Veblen on Vimeo.

I took so much footage during and right after break, that I've just been hard at work on all of it as well as several paintings.

With videos, I have been grouping images into shots, then making those into small clips, and editing the clips together. Sound comes a little later, once I've seen the footage, but it takes a long time to work the two out together, and see where they go with each other. With some, like my first lung video, almost all of the footage goes in. With these two, perhaps between 30 and 50 percent went in. I had to re-record sound perhaps 12 times. It doesn't mean I won't use the rest of the images or sound, just not for these two videos.

As for sound, I realize that it's all voice over/whispers so far. I've been playing around with local sounds (wind, water, children playing from far away), but that's not quite right for these. I am getting a little concerned about not knowing how to make something different. While none of these are really the same--each is pushing in a different direction--they're certainly in a family of sorts. They're not sniffing slurping slugs. Yet, I need to remember what Sue told me last year--It would be nice to see you stick with something for a while. I have apparently found something I can stick with better, so that is not a bad thing, just something I'm not very familiar with.

I am afraid that with the whispers I am being too explicit, illustrating ideas and not inviting them. I heard in the last crit that what I said was definitely not too specific, but that was that and these are these. I am also unsure as to what to do for the show (this coming week). Do I re-record in French? Most of the audience will be French. I doubt my ability to whisper clearly in French. I can hardly speak clearly, so whispering might be impossible to understand. I at least intend to have a translation of the words to read. It's not the same, but having everything mispronounced and incomprehensible wouldn't be the same either.

Now I'm currently working on a travel video which has shots from trains/buses/airports, as well as another with footage from the river and woods here. And then there are two paintings to be finished this week in time to dry to be shipped home...

back to work.

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